Lookie Here!
"Froggy went according and he did right, crambone"
12 years ago I fulfilled one of my dreams of learning how to ride a motorcycle.
Then become a Life Coach and Motivational Speaker.
Then I decided to write a book.
Then I decided to write in a magazine.
Then get my Doctorate.
Now I've decided to learn how to play the acoustic guitar.
The first part of that process is understanding the chords.
What they sound like when you pluck them and what it feels like as you pluck them. Bare fingers or with a pic.
That also requires you to tune that guitar.
When you tune a guitar you pluck one of the strings and you tune it from being either too flat or too sharp. In this case it's a
Goldilocks moment where it has to be just right.
Sometimes, when you're trying to find that sweet spot you overturn/over tune and you end up breaking a string.
That means you have to learn yet an additional skill which is restringing a guitar.
Let me tell you where I'm going with all of this.
I believe fully and firmly that each of us have a common purpose.
And that is for us to become the best version of what we intend to be which turns into what we're meant to be.
Some of that will happen in moments and others will take days, weeks, months and/or years to come into being.
Regardless of how much time it takes, any and every last one of these endeavors, and or goals requires us to do so on purpose and with purpose.
That intention and the trials and tribulations or adversity that follow the pathway to your personal greatness is the very thing that determines what you come out as on the other end.
I will have to buy a brand new guitar string.
I will also have to take the time to restring it.
New skills.
So remember, when things get rough and tough. When Life tries to life you.
Delayed is not denied.
No doesn't mean never. It just means not right now and maybe not like this.
It's not a matter of "IF", only a matter of when.
You get to decide the "WHEN" and the "WIN"
See what I did right there?
None of us know how much time we have on this planet. So it's BEST to spend it as BEST you can.
You do so with intention.
So keep moving forward. Keep becoming. Keep improving.
At the end of the day it's all worth it I promise you.
On Purpose and With Purpose.
Intentionally yours,
Dr. T
America's #1 Intentionalist Coach
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